An upcoming Hindi film titled “The Lost Girl” is scheduled for release on April 5, 2024. Aditya Ranoliya directs the film. It features Aronica Ranoliya, Bhupesh Singh, Prachi Bansal, and Poonam Jangra in key roles. The film promises to captivate audiences with its intriguing storyline and talented cast. Mark your calendars for this highly anticipated cinematic experience.
Release Date | 5 April 2024 |
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Drama |
Duration | 2 hours |
Cast | Aronica Ranoliya, Prachi Bansal, Bhupesh Singh, Poonam Jangra, Naveen Nishad, Raveesh Singh, Raman Nassa, Akshay Mishra, Neeva Malik |
Director | Aditya Ranoliya, Prabhat Thakur |
Writer | Aditya Ranoliya, Jay Shankar Prasad |
Cinematography | Farooque Khan |
Music | Veivek Asthaana |
Producer | Aditya Ranoliya |
Production | AR Films Production, Admake India Media, Panorama Studios |
Certificate | U/A |
Plot of the Movie
The Sikh riots in Delhi in 1844 inspired the plot of “The Lost Girl”. Thousands of people were forced to move due to the violence. The main character of the movie is 5-year-old Suhani. She gets separated from her family during the riots. Suhani finds herself in a strange and hazardous location around 100 kilometers from home. She grows up and spends 15 years studying with an unidentified family. Over time, she begins to experience flashbacks from her past.
She starts to remember the horrific events of the riots. One day, feeling upset and frustrated, she made the decision to leave. The narrative shows how a five-year-old girl makes it through fifteen years in an unidentified location and whether or not she is able to locate her biological parents. Her true parents’ identities and her origins are unknown to her.
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[…] Discovering the Narrative of The Lost Girl […]